Hello There

I AM a Nikon shooter... obviously!
I was born in Chicago and still live here. I don't really travel much or have time to make it to many events happening around here which might make you ask why I have all this gear to begin with but I guess I enjoy being able to capture moments and share them.
What I do choose to share here is what I'd consider "gems" in the otherwise mud butt sludge that digital and a large image buffer allows me to capture. I'm not claiming these are good but I'm okay with displaying them to the public and maybe it's your vibe, mood... kink?
If you...
- want to know what gear I currently shoot with or use to own? Look HERE
- randomly met me and I took your photo? Sorry, that was awkward! Look HERE
- want to hire me? I'm not interested. I try to keep this a stress free albeit expensive hobby but you can try and convince me otherwise HERE
- want to license aka PAY ME to use a photo or make a print? Cool, I just need to figure a way to let you do that!